"PEOPLE ARE FED BY THE FOOD INDUSTRY, WHICH PAYS NO ATTENTION TO HEALTH, AND ARE TREATED BY THE HEALTH INDUSTRY, WHICH PAYS NO ATTENTION TO FOOD." -Wendell Berry I started out this experiment {Eating Well on a Budget} in a state of optimism; I was flying high. It's been my dream ever since I started pursuing nutrition to make good food and health accessible to all. What I discovered through this experiment, and what I already knew, is that the food system is not set up for low income to afford nutrient dense food. The government subsidizes certain crops so that they are unrealistically cheap. Here are the top ones:
According to a study done for The Atlantic the government gives $77 million dollars to the corn industry every year. This makes things like corn seem cheap when in reality it's just expensive as all the "fancy" food only the rich can buy. This means junk food will always undercut nutritious food in price. ""Corn -- which is processed into the junk-food staple corn syrup ... exemplifies the scheme ... it is a bargain, but one created by deliberate government policy that serves the corn industry titans, not by any genetic advantage that makes corn derivatives automatically more affordable for the budget-strapped commoner." (source) The Government is subsidizing a Fast-Food, Illness-Causing Diet "Why would a farmer choose to plant lettuce or Swiss chard when the government will essentially "insure" their corn crops, paying them back if the market prices fall below a set floor price? Likewise with wheat and soybeans, the second and third most heavily subsidized crops, respectively. Most of them wouldn't … and that's why the U.S. diet is so heavily loaded with foods based on the surplus, nutritionally devoid crops of corn, wheat and soy. One of the effects of the farm bill is to create a negative feedback loop that perpetuates the highly profitable standard American diet. Unfortunately, the government is showing no signs of subsidizing vegetables the way they do corn, grain and pasteurized milk. This is most like a result of the Department of Agriculture's deep alignment with agri-business. Current legislations protect the profits of these large industries at the expense of public health. This may surprise you, but the agriculture lobby is more powerful than even the pharmaceutical industry! As if this isn't all frustrating enough, most of the subsidies are going to mega-farms that are making more money than most Americans even dream of …" "These junk-food subsidies make it much cheaper to buy a burger, fries and soda from a fast-food restaurant than it is to buy grass-fed beef and veggies. It's not that these foods necessarily cost more to grow or produce but is that the prices for the junk foods are being artificially reduced by the government." And guess what? They use OUR tax dollars to do this. All these companies below use Monsanto, GMO and Government Subsidized Food in their products: The slow degradation begins: you eat subsidized food cause it's cheaper, but it ends up causing you health problems in the long run, and then you have to turn to the medical industry, which treats you with pharmaceuticals, so in the end you are spending money on medical bills when you could've just spent that money on good food in the first place. Now, I know not every one can afford good food upfront, and that's where the problem lies. This is why I wanted to do this project. You can see how messed up this all is. Not to mention that these crops, grown this way, are destroying our soil. I did a journal post on soil health you can check out here. Destroying our soil means we are destroying ourselves, we are nothing without nutrient rich soil. But these big businesses don't care about soil health, they don't care about your health, they care about profit and doing things quick, big and efficiently. Are you depressed yet? There's more. Lets talk about overpopulation and degradation of our soils: "According to the World Bank the main source of pressures generating problems of degradation is thought to lie in rapid population growth. Other pressures come from the widespread use of natural resource intensive technologies; ineffective regulation of common property resources; land tenure systems that do not secure long terms rights to land use; and policies that distort the prices of non-renewable resources" [World Bank 1991, in Biot et al. (1995)]. The equation goes: Overpopulation + Higher demand to grow food on a large scale and quickly + Using poor farming methods that destroy soil = Destroyed soil, which lacks nutrients and soon will become un-usable = The lack of nutrients causes nutritional deficiencies not to mention the chemical poisoning from pesticides/chemicals = We are getting sicker and sicker and Healthy land is less and less available as population continues to grow = We don't have the capacity to support the world's population with these farming techniques = Wars over food in the future and the possible extinction of humans if we continue this way. Officially depressed? Welcome to my world. I think about these things everyday and try not to get bogged down. I don't know if the small changes I pursue can help at this time in history, but that doesn't mean I give up, just more people need to join in. We can't feed the world and stop poverty without different methods being implemented. This is where small scale regenerative farming in your region comes in. But that could be a whole other journal post. So! Back to my project recap: The goal of my project was to eat well on a budget. Eating well meant: -Grass Fed Meats -Pastured Eggs -Organic and/or Local Produce -Minimal Grains/Sugar Because I still am healing from my allergies I was randomly struck with 2 years ago, I had to change up the project half way through to meet my needs. I started out eating a lot more grains and some dairy until I realized that my body wasn't ready for this. So the second half I consumed lots of bone broth, zero grains and dairy besides rice and pastured butter and zero sugar besides some fruit. The project went for a month and needed to be under $400 for two people. Here are some of the things I found helpful to the overall budget: Buying in Bulk And not just grains/beans but also meat and eggs. The biggest issue I found with this, though, was the ability to buy large amounts upfront as well as having the freezer space (for the meat). A buying club where people go in on meat together from a farm is the best option I can think of for this issue. I bought 12 cartons of pastured eggs @$5 from a farm for the month, and because you don't need to refrigerate fresh eggs you can store them in a cool spot and they are fine for over a month. Another issue with this is the inability to use food stamps. Rice and beans are obviously exempt from this. Bulk Cooking This one helps the most with those of you who are short on time during the week. I assume everyone has at least a couple hours a week to prepare food, with this method you're basically making large meals that you can freeze/refrigerate so that you don't have to cook all week long for every meal. Things like Soup, Curry and Casseroles. (crock pot meals so you can turn it on and forget about it!) Spend a few hours one day and cook up a storm! Fermenting/Soaking/Sprouting This is one of my favorites. Fermenting and soaking your veggies/grains is a great way to add nutrition and aid in digestion without any added cost. The main issue with this can be the difficulty in remembering what you have fermenting, when it's done and when to start another batch. I make sauerkraut all the time and when I'm getting low I start another batch so I never run out. I also soak and sprout my rice to make it more digestible as well as soak/sprout/ferment my beans. I really can't digest beans otherwise. Using "Waste" There are so many scraps of things we can use. Animal bones are one example. They are really cheap to buy and you can make mineral rich stock with them for soup. A few other things I add into my stock are Onion Skins: these are high in the bioflavanoid Quercitin which is known to inhibit histamine production in people with allergies. I also wash my used egg shells for stock; these are high in calcium. The other day I made pesto with the beet greens and carrot tops (usually the veggies at the farmers market have these attached) Consuming Healthy Fats Fat is a great energy source for the body, it burns a lot slower than carbohydrates so that you stay satiated longer. For people who are concerned with overeating or tend to binge, adding in some healthy fats can really help. They also curb sugar cravings. These include things like grass-fed meats, wild caught fish, pastured butter, coconut oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, olive oil based dressings etc. Overeating costs more and is negative for your health overall. Eating Less Sugar When talking about budgeting I like to also think about the future. When we eat poorly we are actually going to end up spending money later on medical bills. So we either spend the money now or later. (Again, I do understand that some people just don't have the money upfront.) Eating less sugar will help in all of this...why? Because when you consume sugar it actually takes minerals from you. You are eating an anti-nutritent, which sucks health from your body and causes a host of deficiencies. Save money by saving your health and not eating refined sugar! A few other things I think are important to mention: You have to have time, or you have to have money. Eating well doesn't happen naturally, as I mentioned above, our food industry is set up so that all the convenient/unhealthy food is subsidized by our government. If we have time we can prepare healthy meals with cheap ingredients; such as fermented beans and sprouted rice, we can drive out to farms and get fresh meat, eggs or milk, we can cook at home and have stuff ready for when we're on the go. If we have money we can buy humanely raised, grass-fed meat and animal products, as well as other well produced food, we can hire someone else to cook for us (insane, I know), we can buy prepared foods that are also healthy but expensive. I wish I could say differently but this is the truth, health has to be a priority, we have to give up other things in order to eat well. I encourage everyone to look at their budget and see if there is anything un-neccessary on a month to month basis that they could cut out. Put your health in YOUR hands. So, you may be wondering, did I manage to meet my goal of spending $400 for two people this month? Well, technically, I did. That is, we only ate $400 worth of food. We bought more than that because we purchased meat in bulk. But this can be remedied with a buyers club or going in on meat/eggs/milk/rice/beans with friends. Thank you all for following my little journey. I will continue working on resources as well as working towards buying land so that Johnny and I can do this work ourselves! It is our dream to own property and raise animals humanely, grow nutrient dense food, teach nutrition and care for the soil. -Bailey Resources:
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/08/03/the-9-foods-the-us-government-is-paying-you-to-eat.aspx http://www.fao.org/Wairdocs/TAC/X5784E/x5784e0g.htm
Another genius way to eat well on a budget is using the tops of farmers market produce such as beet greens or carrot tops; which is what I've done here. I call this a Pesto but in reality it has little in common ingredient-wise. Regular Pesto has Basil, Pine Nuts and Cheese. This has Beet Greens, Carrot Tops, Hazelnuts, Sunflower Seeds and Nutritional Yeast (as a cheese flavor replacement). What it does have in common is Garlic, Lemon Juice and Olive Oil. Recipe: 2 handfuls of chopped Beet Greens 2 Handfuls of chopped Carrot Tops 1 cup Soaked and Roasted Hazelnuts 1/2 cup Sunflower Seeds 1/4 of a large Onion 2 large Garlic Cloves 3/4 cup of Olive Oil 1/2 Lemon (juice) 2 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast 2 tsp Sea Salt Pepper to taste The benefits of this recipe are many. As I mentioned, using the greens on produce that are usually thrown away saves money, obtaining good fats in the form of nuts and olive oil and the immune stimulus from onion and garlic. Soak your hazelnuts for at least 5 hours and then roast them till crunchy in the oven. Chop up greens, onion and garlic. Combine everything in a food processor and process till desired consistency.
Then enjoy! I put mine on slices of cucumber with a little bit of fermented beets that I made. Johnny ate it with some plantain chips! Week Two was harder than week one. Johnny fell of the bandwagon…because of his peanut butter addiction. It turns out that having a Costco size peanut butter container on hand isn't the best idea. We went over the budget a tiny bit, but this week I had 3 weddings and it was my birthday; which made staying within it a lot harder. I also started having my allergies again, my eyes puffed up and started itching in the middle of the week after I had eaten some wheat. I haven't fully tied my allergies to wheat but it's what I'm starting to suspect as a trigger. I tried to cheapen our diet with grains which ended up not working out for me health-wise. So…what now!? I can't continue this way, it's proven to me that I need to do more gut healing. For the remainder of the month I am going to switch gears into a diet that speeds gut healing and I will be blogging about that as well as the cost of it. Almost everyone needs gut healing, especially those who haven't been able to afford the best food, so I hope this still remains applicable as well as helpful to my audience. I will also continue to post about different things that pertain to eating on a budget and eating well with a busy schedule. The New Protocol: GAPS diet: Which stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome This diet was developed by Natasha Campbell-Mcbride, who has a Master of Medical Sciences in Neurology and Master of Medical Sciences in Human Nutrition. "Dr. Campbell-McBride set up The Cambridge Nutrition Clinic in 1998. As a parent of a child diagnosed with learning disabilities, she was acutely aware of the difficulties facing other parents like her, and she has devoted much of her time to helping these families. She realized that nutrition played a critical role in helping children and adults to overcome their disabilities, and has pioneered the use of probiotics in this field. She believes that the link between learning disabilities, the food and drink that we take, and the condition of our digestive system is absolute, and the results of her work have supported her position on this subject. In her clinic, parents discuss all aspects of their child's condition, confident in the knowledge that they are not only talking to a professional but to a parent who has lived their experience. Her deep understanding of the challenges they face puts her advice in a class of its own." About Natasha from: www.gapsdiet.com The affect of gut health on your psychology is undeniable. But this diet is more than that. It was developed for conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, Auto-Immunity, Depression and Allergies. The reason it works for these conditions is that a lot of them are affected, if not caused, by leaky gut. You may have heard this term, Leaky Gut, before but might not really know what it is. Well, a short description is: Because of a plethora of dysfunction, improper chewing, low stomach acid, etc. our food is not properly digested. These undigested particles make it to our small intestine and start destroying the villi on the walls, these walls, which are usually selective about what they let pass out into our blood and our system, become damaged by our undigested food and start taking any nutrients they can get, even at improper sizes. This begins to overwhelm the immune system. Not only that, but the food that continues on through the large intestine and colon begins to damage those systems as well. Because of low stomach acid there can also be parasites that would have normally been killed by the acid that survive and make it through your system. All these things combined lead to the major health issues I mentioned above. Good news though, there is a way to heal your gut, and the GAPS diet is just what the doctor (actually probably not the doctor) ordered. GAPS starts out really intense at first so you can do major healing, then you slowly start to incorporate more foods. For a full outline of the Introduction see HERE. A HUGE part of this diet is Bone Broth soups. As mentioned on the GAPS website: Homemade meat or fish stock. Meat and fish stocks provide building blocks for the rapidly growing cells of the gut lining and they have a soothing effect on any areas of inflammation in the gut. That is why they aid digestion and have been known for centuries as healing folk remedies for the digestive tract. I didn't intend to end this project so quickly, but my body is asking something of me and I need to listen. I may continue the project after I am done with this part, and I think sharing this experience with ya'll could be just as helpful. We all need some amount of gut healing and I am hopeful that this will be accessible cost wise to everyone.
Let me start off this post by saying, if you are someone with blood sugar dysregulation then this will not be ideal for you just yet. Blood sugar can be normalized with diet and other healing protocols. Here is what you may be experiencing with Hypoglycemia: -Awaken a few hours after falling asleep, hard to get back to sleep -Crave sweets -Binge or uncontrolled eating -Excessive appetite -Crave coffee or sugar in the afternoon -Fatigue that is relieved by eating -Headache if meals are skipped or delayed -Irritable before meals -Shaky if meals are delayed -Family members with diabetes -Frequent thirst -Frequent urination People with Hypoglycemia need to eat frequent, high quality meals during the day until the organs involved in blood sugar regulation are healed. I would go more deeply into this but it's not the subject I was hoping to cover today! On to Ghrelin. What is Ghrelin? Ghrelin is a hormone that is produced in the stomach during hunger, this means it is only present when the stomach is fully empty. Usually, when we experience stomach grumbling, we are producing Ghrelin. (If you're like any normal person you'd be opening your refrigerator right about now.) But if we squelch Ghrelin we are losing some amazing benefits that this hormone has to offer. What does it do? Ghrelin increases growth hormone levels in the body. People usually take supplements for this when they are working out, trying to lose weight and gain muscle. But it's not all physical, Ghrelin also has positive effects on learning, memory, depression and anxiety from stress. Working out and learning are best done when Ghrelin levels are high. It makes sense historically: Our hunter gatherer ancestors weren't able to walk up to their fridge any time they wanted for food, why do we think we need to? Like I said, blood sugar dysregulation can be the exception, but we only have blood sugar dysregulation because of eating poor quality food high in refined sugars, which our ancestors were not doing. When going out to hunt they were able to have more acute thinking and movement on an empty stomach. It also makes sense with people who desire to fast and pray when you think about the mental implications of Ghrelin. I won't go into detail about this way of eating, there are a lot of resources online. Here is a good one: Basically, Ghrelin is an extremely beneficial hormone that we rarely get the advantages from because a lot of us eat constantly, unless we are asleep. I try and have at least 12 hours between my dinner and my breakfast. If I eat late at night I'll eat later in the morning for breakfast. Also, learn how to listen to your body, don't just eat out of habit, eat when you're hungry and don't eat if you're not. There are exceptions to this rule, loss of appetite completely is something to look into. This way of eating works with a nutrient dense diet full of lots of good fats, protein and carbs in the form of veggies and some fruit. Even if you don't want to try intermittent fasting, or maybe you are unable to for some reason, at least allow your stomach to be fully empty a few times throughout the week so you can gain some of the benefits of Ghrelin.
It's been a week since I started this project, eating on a budget, and while I'm staying within the confines I set for myself, it's not exactly ideal. Let me explain, I've always wanted good food to be accessible, but to me, good food means something entirely different than the majority may think. This first week showed me that. As I've mentioned before, I struggle with allergies, as I know a lot of people do. I also used to struggle with fatigue, oversleeping, pms, volatile emotions etc. When I changed how I ate all of that faded away. It has been the most amazing year because of it. Now, after a week of trying to fill in my diet with grain products again and cheating in a few other areas, I already feel the repercussions. My allergies are acting up, I'm more tired in the morning, more emotionally unstable. It proves to me, once again, that nutrition is everything. (hence why I wanted to become a Nutritional Therapist in the first place) This makes it really hard for me to come to terms with because I know that the way I eat and how much time and money I spend doing it isn't possible for everyone, I've organized my life around nutrition. And I know that the cheapest food will always be the food our government subsidizes, which is grown, raised or made poorly. I know eating on a budget could work, but you've got to have some amount of time, I don't know how to fully cater this way of eating to someone with no time and no money, it just might not work. Although, if someone is willing, anything is possible. Week One: Recap Amount Allotted: $85 Amount Spent: $85 Comments: While I did stay within budget, we did have a few parties and BBQ's this week so a few of our meals we didn't pay for. And I ate grains, which I don't want to do this week (besides sprouted rice). It proves to me that my allergies are indeed food related and not just environmental. Food Journal: Breakfast: For the most part I eat eggs for breakfast because they give me fuel and nutrition for the day, I wouldn't trade this for anything. I used to eat oatmeal in the past, which is by the far the cheaper option, but it would fall hard in my stomach and I would not digest it well. If your breakfast isn't giving you energy for the day then what's the point!? Lunch: Lunch is always light for me. I'm either on the go or just not as hungry in the midday. I attribute this to my high fat/protein diet, it keeps me satisfied for way longer than starting the day with carbs. On Monday I was out and about all day with no food except my fat bomb and hard boiled egg. Needless to say I was pretty dang hungry for dinner. It's actually not bad to be hungry (unless of course you struggle with blood sugar regulation). When your stomach grumbles you are actually creating a hormone called Ghrelin that helps the body in so many ways; I'll explain more about that in my next post. Dinner: I usually try to have a decent sized dinner, and I also try and eat it early in the evening. (Late breakfast, light lunch, early dinner) This gives my body more time to detox overnight, and if you're eating high quality protein and fat it should usually satiate you for a good 12 hours overnight. This is when your body is making repairs so it's best to not hinder it with heavy digestion. Snack: I like my snacks to be nutritious, not usually chips or anything like that. Apples and peanut butter are a big go to for us, fat bombs are great for in between meals, popcorn with butter, nutritional yeast and sea salt, or some dark, fair-trade chocolate now and then. Things I learned about budgeting and eating well: *Buy in bulk whenever possible *Buy in bulk with friends if you can't afford the large amounts up front: this is especially helpful with pasture raised meat. *Meal planning and batch cooking. Plan your meals ahead so you don't spend more than you need to, and prepared them on your day off so you have meals ready all week in the fridge and freezer. *Hard boil eggs and Fat Bombs when you're on the go. This next week will be a bit different as I will go back to my regular diet. I'm hoping to make it affordable and accessible, but that's why this is a project! Trial and Error are welcome.
Thanks for continuing to follow my journey!
Kookoolan farms: a place where animals are treated with respect and care.
I've only been eating meat again for 2 years (after being a vegetarian for 5) so you could say I care about animal welfare. I also want to be eating animals that have been raised in their natural setting: on pasture. That goes for pigs, chickens, everything. Ever since I started eating meat again I've been wanting to find a farm I could buy straight from. And from the looks of it, this is the cheapest way to get high quality meat, that is if you can afford the upfront cost. You see, these cows are slaughtered on their property, which is not regulated by the USDA. That means you have to buy straight from them and you have to buy a portion of the cow. The cheapest portion is 1/8th of the cow for $4.40 a pound. I usually spend $6 or more a pound at the store for grass fed beef so this is quite a savings when you add it up over time. But again, there is that upfront cost of buying it all at once and some people don't have that ability. The one way I can see around this would be starting some kind of buying group, or buying club. Get your friends together who also want grass fed, humanely raised meat and buy a portion together. I am even thinking of starting something like this for my friends and family. This also works with their eggs. They sell them for $6 a dozen when you're just buying one, but they sell them for $5 a dozen when you buy 15.
Another huge bonus to buying from Kookoolan farm is they give you as many bones and organs as you want for free! As I've mentioned before, bones are insanely high in minerals and you can make healing soups with them…FOR FREE! Organs like Liver can be made into a pate'.
Benefits of Liver:
Cassie, one of the owners of Kookoolan, told me they also sell their meat at the Hillsdale Farmers market in SW Portland. In that case you can use your food stamps and she sells it for the same price. She also mentioned that they donate their left over produce to food banks out in that area (they are located in Yamhill). It's good to know that these kinds of foods are making their way into food banks. It's actually a win win, she explained to me, low income families get un-sprayed produce for free and the farm gets a tax credit for donating.
A few other low priced things they offer:
Chicken: they have the option of organic, and non-organic. non-organic $4.99/lb vs. $5.89/lb organic The non-organic's feed does have GMO's (because it's cheap) but the chickens aren't treated with antibiotics, hormones, or chemicals of any kind. They also are pasture raised. So if this is what someone can afford, I find it the best case scenario. Since the goal of this project is to buy the best of the best and still be able to afford it the ideal option would be buying in bulk with a group of people: If you buy in bulk with a group its only $3.99/lb for the conventional and $4.71/lb for organic. So if you want organic chicken for cheaper than conventional this would be the way to do it!
Pork: They also have 2 options when it comes to Pork, the first is pasture raised, the second is what they call Pampered Pigs. These are raised with indoor and outdoor space, fed grains, fruits and vegetables. They are $4.75/lb vs. $5.75/lb for the pasture raised pigs. The pasture raised pigs live their lives outdoors where they are able to forage a lot of their food.
Here is what we got yesterday, I'll be rationing this out to fit the budget for the month, we got a 1/4 of a pig and an 1/8 of a cow. We also got a box of their eggs (eggs last a long time when they are from a farm. Conventional eggs are cleaned so that they become porous and let bacteria in, they put a coating on them to try and stop this from happening, but it's still recommend to refrigerate them. These eggs I'll keep in a cool basement for the month!) Not only did we get a great deal on meat and eggs, they also gave us gifts for picking up at the farm. We got a carton of free eggs and a bottle of mead. They also give you a free book for each share you buy! So we got books on humane butchering for Johnny to read. (since we'll be doing that in the future)
Since I wasn't able to get close enough to the cows for a picture, here is a little video:
Kookoolan Farms Website: www.kookoolanfarms.com
http://blog.radiantlifecatalog.com/bid/26773/Benefits-of-Eating-Liver-Our-Most-Nutrient-Dense-Food http://www.motherearthnews.com/real-food/how-long-will-fresh-eggs-keep-without-refrigeration.aspx The first farmers market of the season today! The weather was beyond gorgeous and perfect for walking around the market. There's nothing like connecting with your food this way; the open air, the people, the farmers, all the produce displayed like art. It's a far cry from my experience in Costco under the halogen lights. That's why I jump for joy this time of year when I can do at least a part of my shopping outside! Today I bought $15 worth of produce as well as $6 worth of local Honey This includes: Lettuce, Chard, Kale, Red Potatoes and Zucchini There aren't a ton of options this early in the season so I'll be buying the rest of my produce for the week at my CoOp. I've given myself a $25 a week budget for produce. So by the end of the month I'll have spent $100 total. I wanted Local/Organic Produce, Grass-Fed Meat and Eggs to be the bulk of what I'm buying during this experiment. Now I realize some people can only go to the store once a week, I'm lucky to be in walking distance from my CoOp. So today I wanted to talk about using your produce most efficiently if you're shopping once a week. Order of Operations 1. Start with your greens, the first 3 or so days of the week should be devoted to these, this is when you'll be adding greens to breakfast, in soups and having salads. If you buy fresh herbs like cilantro, fill up a jar with water and put the cilantro ends in it in the fridge, this will keep them fresh MUCH longer. 2.) Things like Avocado, Tomatoes, Strawberries, etc. should be eaten first as well. 3.) Half way through the week you can start on Zucchini, Carrots and other root veggies. 4.) Tough Root Veggies and Squash should be saved for the end of the week because they last the longest. So Potatoes, Butternut Squash, etc. 5.) There are a few things I eat all week long, I like to add onion to a lot of things and they last a long time so I just use them all week, I usually eat an apple everyday or two as a snack with peanut butter so this is something that can be dispersed throughout the week. I think the main thing you want to try and use first are the greens. This will also make your diet diverse if you eat greens at the beginning of the week and other things at the end. What my week may look like:
Monday: Use greens first. Fry up some Kale or Chard in butter with sea salt. Have this on the side of some pasture raised eggs. Salad for lunch. For dinner I'll be making hamburgers with the meat I get from the farm and wrapping them in Lettuce instead of a bun. Tuesday: Use greens in your breakfast again. Salad for Lunch. Chop up Kale or Chard and combine with some bone broth and other veggies for a soup. Wednesday: Use greens in your breakfast. Coleslaw for Lunch. Left over soup for dinner. Thursday: If you still have greens use them in your breakfast again. More soup for lunch. Next use the Zucchini, I'll be making a Grain-Free Zucchini Lasagne. Friday: Eggs and sourdough rye pancakes for breakfast. I'll be using some other veggies from the CoOp for a Curry with my soaked and fermented Lentils and Sprouted Rice (blog post to come on soaking and sprouting) For dinner use the Potatoes for a potato based pureed soup. Saturday: Eat left overs of Lasagne, Curry and Soup. Bone Broths, Fermented Veggies, and Fat BombsSince these are my first few days of preparation for the project, I wanted to share with ya'll a few things that I'm prepping ahead of time. These are things you can include in your diet that give you added nutrition without added cost. They also don't take too much time. I made these 3 things in 35 minutes. Of course that isn't taking into account how long they have to sit. Eating healthy pretty much means you have to prepare ahead; having adequate planning is crucial to maintaining a whole foods diet. First Up: Bone Broth For the sake of not playing into the money making name: Bone Broth, we can just call this stock. People are starting to catch on to this mineral rich broth and places are beginning to sell "Bone Broth" for high prices. The reason I like this so much is because, as of now, bones are cheap. (wondering if they'll remain that way as more and more people start consuming this!) The farm I am getting my meat from this week actually includes all the bones, organs and fat for free with the purchase of meat! That's pretty amazing. I used these broth bases as a part of my allergy healing. (you can read about my protocol here) Broths made from meat and bones have so many gut healing nutrients so if you are someone who has suffered from digestive issues and allergies, this is for you! I feel like it's a really cost effective way to heal yourself. Think about bones…what are they? They're straight up MINERALS. So good. I make a pretty simple base myself. I only use these ingredients: Bones: $2-$5 (beef, chicken, fish, lamb, whatever you like!) Onion Skins: Free (this is the part you don't eat but it's full of the bioflavanoid Quercitin which helps with allergies) Egg Shells: Free (these contain lot's of calcium) Sea Salt: $.10 (a few pinches of this for seasoning and to help draw the mineral out of the bones) Total: $3 Time: 5 minutes (Crock Pot: 8 hours over night) Put all this into a crock pot, fill with water and cook overnight. In the morning you can strain it and store until you're ready to make soup. You can also freeze bone broth if you want to make a lot and stock up. If you're buying from a grocery store you can go to the meat counter and ask for bones. If you're not sure what kind you want just tell them you're making stock and get a recommendation. Bones can be used multiple times for stock (I usually make 2 batches with one set of bones) This means that you're spending about $2-$3 a batch. Other options for use are cooking your grains like rice or your beans in bone broth instead of water for added nutrients. Otherwise just use the stock to make your favorite soups. Second Up: Sauerkraut Another great way to add nutrition without the cost: fermentation! Fermenting things adds a whole lot of nutrients to food and aids in digestion. Cabbage, for example, is a gut healing veggie. Take those properties, add fermentation and you've got a very healing food hailed for cancer prevention, vitamin content, beneficial enzymes and bacteria. Organic, Local Cabbage: $4.71 (1.49 pounds) Red Onion: $.50 (1/4 of it) Horse Radish Leaves: (we grown them and they are optional) Sea Salt: $.50 (I use Celtic Sea Salt) Total: $6 Time: 20 minutes (1 week+ to ferment) This is a super simple recipe, you can get creative and add more veggies if you like! The basic instructions are something like this: Chop up your cabbage and other veggies into small pieces. There are a few ways to do the next part, you can use a crock, jar or bowl to get started. Put a few handfuls of cabbage and veggies in whatever vessel you are using and sprinkle a decent amount of salt on top. Now you need to mash it, if you're using a crock or jar the opening may be small so you need a wooden masher that fits. If using a bowl you can just use your hands to mash. You want to see the juices start coming out of the cabbage and you want it to soften up a bit. Keep piling more layers of veggies and salt and mashing. At the end you should have a lot of liquid, enough to cover the veggies if you smash them down. With a crock you want to put a plate on top with a weight in order to keep the veggies below the surface of the water. With a jar you can put a lid on loosely and will need to open it every day to release pressure. Other options include an airlock but for the sake of doing this easy I'll start there and you can look up other ways of doing it. Let the mix sit for at least a week, once it's fermented to your liking you'll want to put it in the refrigerator to cease the fermentation. And it might sound gross to some people, but drink the juice in your sauerkraut too! If it's unappetizing to you then just add it to your soups before eating. I like to have a little side of it with breakfast, put it in my soups before eating, and use it as a condiment on burgers. This is meant to be a side dish so a little bit at a time is ideal. Third Up: Fat Bombs These are for those moments in the day where you are in-between meals and you need a quick source of slow burning energy. Titled: Fat Bombs because that's what they are. Good clean fats. Some recipes just call for coconut oil as the base but I wanted to try adding butter to mine as well! For those of you who are dairy intolerant you can replace the butter with Ghee (clarified butter) or just more coconut oil. The benefits of these, besides providing fuel, are extensive. Coconut oil is high in saturated fats and when digested these fats go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as quick energy or turned in to ketone bodies (a form of fuel the body uses) which have therapeutic effects on brain disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimer's. Coconut oil also contains the fatty acid Lauric Acid which has been shown to kill the bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus and the yeast Candida Albicans. It's other benefits include; weight loss, skin health, and healthy cholesterol levels. As far as grass fed butter goes, you can expect the same amazing health giving qualities. One very important nutrient that will not show up in feed lot/grain feed cow butter is Vitamin K2. This vitamin can only be synthesized by the rumen of a cow when they are eating grass. They use the K1 in grass, which you also find in things like Kale, and convert it to K2. So when we consume this kind of butter we are getting this nutrient. K2 prevents or corrects arterial plaque as well as helping the body use calcium efficiently. You'll notice also that grass fed butter is dark yellow in color, this is because it has high vitamin A content, like carrots, but because vitamin A is fat soluble, meaning it can only be absorb into the body with the presence of fat, you get more out of butter than you do out of carrots. Grass fed butter has a perfect ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 while grain fed butter has much more Omega 6 in it. Our diets already tend to be heavy in Omega 6 when they are suppose to be in balance with Omega 3. Okay okay! Enough about the awesomeness of these two. Here's what you do: 1/2 cup Coconut Oil $.50 2 Tablespoons Grass Fed Butter $.40 6 Tablespoons Coconut Flakes $.20 1/2 Tsp Vanilla $.5 Pinch of Coconut Sugar, Cinnamon, Nutmeg $.10 Total Cost: $1.25 ($.20 cents per fat bomb) Total Time: 5-10 minutes Melt your coconut oil and butter over low heat. While that's melting put cupcake papers in a cupcake tin. Put 1 Tablespoon of coconut flakes in each cup. (I only have a 6 cup cupcake pan so this recipe makes 6) Put your vanilla in the coconut oil and butter liquid and pour over the coconut flakes so that each one is about a centimeter filled. Sprinkle a pinch of coconut sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg on top. Keep in the refrigerator and take one on the go when you need a little energy during the day. Gosh…I love this stuff! Nutrient Dense, healing options for those of you on a budget. Now…I know there are likely some vegetarians reading this…in that case I think I'll post some other mineral rich seaweed broths later on this month, so keep an eye out for that!
I can already tell this 30 day project is going to be full of trial and error. But that's the point right? I have the resources and the time to devote to all the possibilities. When we are given abundance we must not hoard it. This is something I was taught from a very young age through the teachings of Jesus. I am so thankful for my upbringing and the support I've had throughout my life. This quote is a big part of who I am, I used to have it painted across a wall in my house as a reminder: "If I could become the servant of all"Quoted from mewithoutyou Becoming a servant of all used to mean: being walked all over and sacrificing my own comfort for others. Now, while this is true some of the time, there are a lot of sacrifices to be made, I burned myself out living that way. I needed to spend some money on myself, feed myself good food and have some comforts in order to serve others. For the last 2 years I've done just that. Johnny and I traveled together, we both got new jobs so we could live without roommates for a while, we stopped running a hospitality house, and we started eating really really well. I have healed so much from this time and now I am full of energy and ready to start giving back again! Hence this project (among other things). I know how energizing proper nutrition is and I want that to be shared with others! I've aways felt this deep sadness that some could not afford this luxury, so I wanted to put on their shoes and see if there was a way we could all have deeply nutritious food. It's Begun!It's May 1st, yes. But I've actually decided to officially start the project next Tuesday and I'll just carry it out for 30 days after that. These next few days will be my prep days. Yesterday…I went to Costco as well as Cash and Carry. I haven't been to these places for years as I mainly shop at my CoOp. The main thing I wanted to do with this project is make sure people could access and afford grass fed meat/eggs and local, organic produce. In order to make it all fit in the budget I had to decide where to cut corners. But I won't fully cut corners. Even though I shopped at Costco (membership is $55 a year by the way) I picked out the best quality products I could. (Another option that I'll be checking out next week is Winco, which requires no membership and has similar deals.) Here is what I'm started with: Now, when it comes to buying in bulk on a food stamp budget, its more likely that you'll have to buy a few things every month and build up a pantry. Let's say I've built up this pantry over a few months time. Here's what I got: Organic Brown Rice: $13.99 for 12 pounds Organic Raisins: $8.49 for 4 pounds Organic Coconut Oil: $27.99 for 5.5 pounds Lentils: $4.99 for 5 pounds Adams Peanut Butter: $8.39 for 5 pounds Sprouted Bread: $6.69 for 2 loaves Popcorn: $2.40 for 1.5 pounds Some things to note: I will be sprouting the brown rice myself and pre soaking the lentils every time I cook them. The coconut oil is not only organic but it is cold pressed, which is the best process for retain it's healing qualities, Adams peanut butter is just straight up peanuts with no hydrogenated oils, sprouted bread is the best way to go with sourdough in second, when you sprout bread you make it a hell of a lot more digestible. I actually purchased the popcorn at my co-op the other day, I'm curious to know the price of it at other shops. I'll be looking into it. For this project I will only be consuming what is in the budget so I've weighed out different amounts that fit in the budget and I will update them if we end up eating more or less. So far this feels like a dance, I have to learn the steps in order to move smoothly, this project morphs everyday and I'm sure I'll be carrying it on past 30 days. My next steps:-Sunday is the first farmers market of the season by my house. Now I know not everyone has access to these markets, but I will begin here for those who do. My hope is to buy all my produce from local farmers. Using food stamps at farmers markets will actually save you $5 every week you go.
That means a $20 savings for the whole month! -Monday I'll be heading out to a farm to purchase part of a cow. This is another bulk purchase that would have to be done with friends if you couldn't afford it on your own. {That reminds me, buyers clubs are another good way to buy in bulk with other people, but I've been having a hard time finding ones in my area that are accepting new people, so, if you have close friends that are also trying to save money see if you guys can go in on stuff together.} -I'll also be researching which CSA's take food stamps. -Stay tuned for all this info and more! Thanks for coming along on the journey. -Bailey Ever since I decided to do this experiment my head has been reeling! I have so many thoughts and ideas, some have been given to me by you lovely people reading; Thank YOU! I feel so fortunate to have a community of people that care about deep nutrition and health. I also feel incredibly fortunate that Johnny and I are able to afford the way we eat. I have been set up for success in my life and I really want to pass that on to others. I know people don't have a lot of time in their lives to figure this stuff out so I will take the time to do it, because I have the time! This is my life vision; my life calling. That said, I wanted to start this project off with some initial thoughts and tips as I go into this experiment. The first: Eating with intentionYour body has two modes: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic. When your body is in Sympathetic mode all your body's energy moves away from digestion and out to your limbs and brain, this is fight or flight mode. When your body is in Parasympathetic mode your energy is focused on your inner organs and more specifically your digestive system. We live in a day and age where eating on the go is normal, or eating in front of the TV is normal. A lot of people don't even gather with their families in the evening for a sit down dinner together. Our bodies are in Sympathetic mode a lot of the time, and we are paying the price for it. Not only is our digestion turned off while we are in this mode, but because of that we aren't getting the nutrients we need and therefore we are wasting money on our food and will probably end up eating more than we would have if we were sitting down and chewing every bite with intention. To create a Parasympathetic mode you must start by sitting down, wherever you are, just sit down. It can be on the floor, it can be on a retaining wall, whatever you can sit on, sit on it. Take a deep breath and smell your food. Digestion starts in the brain. Prepare yourself for your meal. Then, chew!!!! Chew that food hardcore. It's recommended that you chew each bite 30x. The larger the chunks you swallow the harder it is for your body to break them down in the time it takes for it to move through the digestive system. Now, that advice is for those of you who are at work or school a lot when eating. If you are at home, this is easier and you can do more with it. Make your meals special, even if its just you; light a candle, put flowers on your table, breath and smell your food, take a bite and put your fork down so you can really focus on chewing. When you do this, you are way less likely to overeat AND you are getting more nutrition. Parasympathetic eating can really save you money, and bring health into your life. The second: Eat foods that satisfy deeply When you consume a lot of carbs, overly processed foods and sugar you are not deeply supporting your body nor are you getting the energy you need for the day. If you start off like this you will usually be hungry again in an hour or 2. This causes excess eating because you aren't satisfied. Spend a little more money on high quality fats and protein and you'll eat less of them; it tends to balance out in the end. Carbs are quick burning energy, so for athletes, this can be helpful around a workout. But the majority of people are eating like marathon runners when they aren't running marathons. A good rule of thumb for most people is 40% Carbohydrates (veggies/fruits are best) 30% Fat and 30% Protein. I see a lot of people in the 60%-80% range for carbs and their sources tend to be refined and processed grains/sugar. That said, it's the quality fats that I really wanted to focus on for this section. Fats give you slow burning energy that lasts, it takes more to break them down and therefore gives a slow release of energy into the system. When I'm speaking of fats I'm talking about using good fats/oils to cook with: Lard & Coconut Oil being some of my favorites. Eating Pasture Raised meats, butter and dairy. Nuts can be good as well, as long as you soak them before hand for ease of digestion. (although nuts are spendy!) Some nuts you can harvest yourself if you know where a good tree is. Incorporating these foods into your diet will give you more hours of satisfying energy than a full carb meal would. Here are a few ideas to start off with: -Pre-soaked Oatmeal: Add butter or coconut oil into your morning bowl for that fat source. (soak overnight) -Eggs/Avocado: This is a very satisfying breakfast that will give you long burning energy. -Meat and Veggies cooked in Lard: Some people are allergic to eggs so why not have some breakfast sausage with some stir fried veggies in Lard. -Bone Broth Soup with an Egg: Sometimes I make my bone broth into a breakfast meal by poaching an egg in it. (Like I said, it's ideal to have pasture raised meats, eggs and dairy with all these) Another thing I like to mention is some people have poor fat digestion. This can be due to long standing digestive dysfunction and poor diet. Bile is our main fat digesting mechanism in our body and some people don't produce enough. Beets are excellent for bile production so add those into your diet as well as herbs like Dandelion Root. Any questions you have about this I am happy to answer. Well that's all for now, I'll be adding more tips as I go. Thanks for reading and I hope this is helpful for people. Bye for now! -Bailey
Bailey Patrice & Jonathan DavidCategories
December 2017